Test & Treat
The PEARL study is committed to finding real-world solutions to eliminate tuberculosis and leprosy in the Pacific

The PEARL study
The PEARL study is an implementation study employing population-wide active case finding and prevention for tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy elimination in Kiribati .
Access fully editable TB resources, Meet the team & our partners
Population-wide screening & treatment for TB & leprosy
Universal leprosy
Pacific-wide nurse training
TB & leprosy modelling
We are partnering with the Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services to screen and treat 65,000 people on the Kiribati atoll of South Tarawa for TB, TB infection and leprosy.
- Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services-
We are partnering with the Pacific Leprosy Foundation and the Kiribati Leprosy programme to screen and treat residents of Tarawa, for leprosy and to provide leprosy preventive treatment for the whole population
- Pacific Leprosy Foundation -
We are partnering with the Australian Respiratory Council to provide specialised training and ongoing support to nurses in Pacific countries to enhance care for TB and leprosy throughout the Pacific
- Australian Respiratory Council -